Sandwich Infant School

Where everyone is valued and learning is fun

Sandwich Infant School - Curriculum Overview

We believe in creating a challenging and fun learning environment whilst also acknowledging there are occasions when a calm and reflective atmosphere is required to deepen learning.   If our children feel safe and happy they will want to learn.

We have high expectations of everyone in our school - both children and adults.  We foster an ethos whereby all children develop a willingness to have a go and resilience when they feel challenged.  We also encourage them to support each other in their learning.   We expect everyone at Sandwich Infant School to treat each other with respect.  British Values are implicit in what we do.  We teach this through our rich and varied curriculum.

The teachers captivate the children’s interests and inspire them to find out more for themselves.  English and Maths are sometimes taught through these topics but are otherwise taught in isolation.  English and Maths are always taught on a daily basis.

The rich and varied curriculum meets the requirements of the Early Years Foundation Stage and National Curriculum and incorporates Science, RE, Computing, PE, Design and Technology, Geography, History, Music, Personal, Social, Health and Education and Art.

We acknowledge that every child is unique and that our curriculum must embrace the gender, ethnicity, learning styles and any additional needs of our pupils.  For subject specific information, this can be found within each of the curriculum pages where policies and progression grids can be found. 

For any further information on our curriculum, the headteacher can be contacted via the School Office: or you are welcome to speak to any of the teachers who can discuss this further.