Sandwich Infant School

Where everyone is valued and learning is fun


At Sandwich Infant School, we do not just stop at our curiosity of how things work but instead look at how we can think creatively to problem solve and make products even better. We understand the diversity of the world and the importance of exposing our pupils to a wide range of products that can inspire their curiosity and creativity, as well as the thought processes involved in creating such products. Through this exposure, children take on the role of developer, evaluator and that of a critique, exploring how products can be developed or adapted for different users as well as creating and testing prototypes to give purpose to projects. Children need a hands-on approach that also gives access and allows them to make connections when learning in other areas of the curriculum such as Mathematics, Science, Computing and Art skills. Techniques developed through Design and Technology are of great importance in our everchanging technological world to ensure that children are equipped for the next stages in their lives.

Our Design and Technology curriculum is implemented through a variety of different projects over the children’s time at Sandwich Infants.  Our carefully planned and progressive skills and knowledge overviews ensure that children are constantly building upon prior learning and are able to expand their knowledge and understanding of problem solving, designing and constructing different products.

Children will complete 3 projects a year, either having one lesson a week or a two to three day/afternoon block to complete each project so children are fully immersed in the design, make and evaluating process to help fully engage the children and embed the substantive knowledge and skills. Children are given a variety of real-life products to explore in great detail, expanding their knowledge of how they look and work. Safety is explained and modelled at the start of and throughout each product including food hygiene instructions and using equipment or machinery safely.

At Sandwich Infant School within the Early Years Foundation Stage pupils explore and use a variety of media and materials through a combination of child initiated and adult led activities. Adults plan DT activities linked to each topic. Child interests are also explored when they arise.

DT Policy 

DT progression grid (Yearly)

Our Curriculum

Assessment Core Questions

Year 1

Year 2

Year 2 - Term 1 Lesson Sequencing

Year 2 - Term 3 Lesson Sequencing

Year 2 - Term 5 Lesson Sequencing