At Sandwich Infant School, our children are SCIENTISTS! Our aim is to give every child a broad and balanced science curriculum which enables them to confidently explore and discover what is around them, so that they have a deeper understanding of the world we live in. Our children look forward to and enjoy regular science events in each lesson such as; Who will be the professor today? What is in the science bag? These activities enable the children to make connections in their learning and they are more aware when they are learning in science as opposed to other subjects.
We want our children to remember their science lessons in our school, to cherish these memories and embrace the scientific opportunities they are presented with. To achieve this, it involves exciting, practical hands on experiences that encourage curiosity and questioning. Our aim is that these stimulating and challenging experiences help every child secure and extend their scientific knowledge and vocabulary, as well as promoting a love and thirst for learning.
At Sandwich Infants, we have a carefully designed, progression overview of knowledge and skills, with the need of every child at the centre of what we do. We want to equip our children with not only the minimum statutory requirements of the Science National Curriculum but to prepare them for the opportunities, responsibilities and experiences of later life.
Science lessons are taught within each year group in accordance with the National Curriculum.
• In KS1 science is taught each week for 1 hour.
• Every year group will build upon the learning from prior year groups therefore developing depth of understanding and progression of skills and knowledge.
• Children explore, question, predict, plan, carry out investigations and observations as well as conclude their findings.
• Children present their findings and learning using science specific language, observations and diagrams.
The Early Years Foundation Stage Curriculum supports children’s understanding of Science through the planning and teaching of ‘Understanding the World.’ Children find out about objects, materials and living things using all of their senses looking at similarities, differences, patterns and change. Both the environment and skilled practitioners foster curiosity and encourage explorative play, children are motivated to ask questions about why things happen and how things work. Our children are encouraged to use their natural environment around them to explore. Children enjoy spending time outdoors exploring mini-beasts and their habitats, observing the changing seasons, plants and animals. Children participate in cookery and baking sessions which allow them to experience changes in state as ingredients are mixed, heated and cooled.
Year 1
Year 1 - Term 1 Lesson Sequencing
Year 1 - Term 2 Lesson Sequencing
Year 2
Year 2 - Term 1 Lesson Sequencing
Year 2 - Term 4 Lesson Sequencing