Sandwich Infant School

Where everyone is valued and learning is fun

The Friends of Sandwich Infant School (FOSIS) are a group of parents that support the school provide extras that help enhance the children's experience in school.  Think of FOSIS as a PTA without the T!

The aim of FOSIS is to raise funds to support school and we do this by running fundraisers throughout the year such as non-uniform days, the Christmas and Summer Fair, Easter Egg Hunt and raffles!

Our fundraising in the last academic year has helped purchase new outdoor resources, new Little Wandle reading scheme books and new technology for the school!  We are so proud of what we have been able to achieve this past year, especially with budget cuts and financial strain affecting most, so a huge thank you to our parents and families that continue to support our mission.

We would love to welcome new parents to join FOSIS, whether that is you being able to offer your time, funds or resources to help.  The level of input and time offered is up to you with no expectations.  We meet informally throughout the year, online or in person.

If you would like to express your interest to join, we would love to hear from you!  Please email: or speak to the School Office for a direct contact.